Mdm Noraihan Binte Samad
Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-1
"If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again." - Aaliyah
Mrs Connie Tan
Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-1
“The best teacher teaches from the heart, not from the book.” – Anonymous
Miss Shum Wen Hui
Chinese Language Teacher
Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-2
“Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them,
who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the
best that they can possibly be.” - Rita Pierson
Ms Tam Fong U
Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-2
Instead of saying impossible, let's teach our students to say I'm possible.
Ms Cheong Siok Wen
Chinese Language Teacher Form Teacher (3) Primary 4-2
在日常生活中靠天才能做到的事情,靠勤奋同样能做到;靠天才不能做到的事情,靠勤 奋也能做到。——亨沃比彻
Mdm Trina Tan
Chinese Language Teacher Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-3
植物因培植而成材,人类因教育而成器。 学生宛如破壳而出、茁壮成长的幼苗 。老师宛如辛勤播种、扎根灌溉的园丁。好品格宛如出污泥而不染的莲花。
Mrs Sharon Koo
Subject Head - Aesthetics Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-3
‘Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education.’-Martin
Luther King
Mrs Joanne Chew Xiuping
Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-4
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Mdm Hasni Abu Bakar
Year Head - Primary 3 & 4 Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-4
Children learn best when their social and emotional needs are well taken
care of. As educators, we help our children to recognise their strengths
and develop good character so that they become confident yet caring individuals.
Every child has a gift. Each just opens them at different times.
Mdm Sim Tze Mei (Mrs Eve Chen)
Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-5
Education is the vital key to moulding one’s character and future.
Mr Muhammad Faizal Bin Suleiman
Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-5
Patience and consistency are hallmarks of excellence.
Mrs Sherley Chua
Level Head - Science
Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-6
In the classroom, I strive to promote positive learning so that students
realise that making mistakes is part of the journey towards mastery. The
classroom would be a safe environment where they are not afraid to make
mistakes and more importantly, to learn from them so that they would develop
a growth mindset where effort is valued more than the product.
Mdm Boh Fong Yee
Chinese Language Teacher
Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-6
我们知道什么、信仰什么,本质上并不重要。唯一重要的是:我们做了什么。 — 约翰·罗 斯基
Mdm Nurashikin Bte Kamal
Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-7
Teaching is about inspiring the love of learning - the opening of a book
often leads to the opening of the heart and mind. Then, to encourage the
young minds to continue taking those ideas and ideals they’ve picked up
as they take on the world to bring about positive change
Ms Phang Sok Kian Audrey
Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-7
Every child is soft clay to be handled delicately and moulded according
to his/her purpose in life and brought to his/her full potential.
Mr Low Meng Yen
Form Teacher (1) Primary 4-8
"I have consistently found inspiration in the words of the renowned musician
BB King, who once expressed, " The beautiful thing about learning is that
no one can take it away from you."
Ms Tan Liping Fiona
Form Teacher (2) Primary 4-8
To teach is to touch a life forever