English Language
English Language

English Language Learning in Mee Toh School
In Mee Toh School, we envision our students to be effective and confident communicators with the world. We aim to build a strong foundation in our students’ listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and representing skills, with essential grammar and superior vocabulary knowledge, in English Language. Through our integrated and engaging approaches to teaching and learning, we develop self-directed students who desire to read for a variety of purposes, producing original and creative ideas, and sharing them accurately and confidently with others in English Language.
EL Alive!
The array of English Language (EL) activities engage students in both the receptive skills of listening, reading and viewing, and productive skills of speaking, writing and viewing. The differentiated and fun activities raise the students’ awareness of the importance of using Standard English Language for effective communication and interest them in the production of accurate EL in speaking and writing tasks, such as poetry recitation, twisted tales and drama performance.

World Wise Readers
We aim to nurture world-wise readers who actively engage with texts, connecting them to personal experiences, global contexts, and current events to deepen their understanding of the world. By applying insights gained from reading, students will be developed into thoughtful and informed individuals who strive for intellectual growth and lifelong learning.
Lower primary students explore a range of fiction and non-fiction books, including classics like Charlotte’s Web and Fantastic Mr. Fox, for both enjoyment and knowledge. Upper primary students expand their horizons by reading current affairs from diverse sources, critically analysing issues, and forming informed, responsible opinions. Through post-reading discussions, students reflect on texts, consider different perspectives, and generate solutions to real-world problems, cultivating emerging 21st Century Competencies (21CC).

Strategies for Engaged and Effective Development (SEED)
SEED curriculum creates joy in interdisciplinary learning across subjects. Through experiential learning, students apply and demonstrate their knowledge and skills acquired in the various subjects, and their learning is augmented in authentic tasks that require them to create crafts, write about their experiences and present their research findings in EL.